Here come the Aliens

Mrs Douglas read us the story 'Here come the Aliens,' by Colin McNaughton.  

We like the alien pictures because they are funny looking. They eat funny stuff like toe nail soup, eyeballs, garlic jam and tentacles.  The story is about how aliens what to come and attack the humans.  We think everyone would like to read this story.  We have this story in our school library.

Click here to see our own aliens.

Library Book Trolley - Tōneke Pukapuka

After you've returned your library books you can now put them in the right place on the return trolley.

We have lots of different books in the library…

How to Write a Personal Recount...

Last Christmas holidays in 2013, I spent some time writing an e-book. You can read about how I created my eBook here. The book's not in our Freeville School Library but it is in the iTunes Store and it's FREE! Take a look it was fun to make...

Chapter one...

Check out our Books!

Some of our special books...Come and look!
Wow isn't this fantastic, we have tidy shelves!
But messy shelves are okay too, someones  looking at the books
Can you cook? Check out our cooking books...
Freeville School Library

Our Library in 2014

We are back on the blog! For the last couple of years Freeville School Library has been operating the library out of the school hall, it's hard but we keep on going, we could operate a library in a box! Our School library is never going to be fixed because this is our last year as Freeville School, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Next year we will be a new merged school with a different library name...I wonder what it will be? I wonder if we'll get a new Library? Can you imagine what it all will be like?

This year we are going to write book reviews, this should be lots of fun, and next year I guess we'll see you all at a new combined Library maybe?

I've been very busy finishing off the library signage in both English and Te Reo.

The' Back of The Hall Library'