Warriors: lost warrior, By Erin Hunter

Graystripe, the second in command of Thunderclan, gets captured by Twolegs when he is trying to rescue his comrades. While trapped in Twoleg's place he meets a kitty pet named Millie, who once he's given up hope, talks Graystripe into finding his clan but Graystripe isn't so sure about it.

It is a good book for ages ten and up. I can't think of anything that could make it better. I would rate it five stars. It is written by Erin Hunter.

 It has ninety six pages and is a adventure fiction graphic novel.
Art by James L. Barry.

by Reuben

The Adventure of Life, by Benoit Durand

Author: Jean - Benoit Durand
She is interested in what happens in life.

Illustrated by: Robin Gindre

The story is about the big bang and how earth was made.
The writing is normal but the layout is very attractive.
My favourite part is when It talks about the big bang.
My least favourite part is when they talk about how we started off as monkeys.
People over the age of 9 would like this book.
I give it four stars out of five.

by Katlin

Horrid Henry's Joke Book

Written by: Francesca Simon
Illustrated by: Tony Ross
It's a joke book with 106 pages. Most pages have a small pencil drawings. Most are good but some are disappointing.

Its like this: If a red house is made of red bricks and a blue house is made of blue bricks then what's a green house made of? Perfect Peter says green bricks of course. Fooled you, it's made of glass.            
There are animal jokes, New Year jokes, February fun, knock knock Spring's here and lots more.

Knock, knock, who's there? Cow-go. Cow-go who? Cow go moo. And there's a bunch more.

He's looking for one more joke. He did 364. He wants 365 so you can enter. I'm not sure if it's real.

I give it 4.5 stars out of 5.
by Matt

Spoon Book Review

Title: Spoon

Author: Amy Knouse Rosenthal

Illustrater: Scott Mangoon

About the Author: Amy has also written: As Little Pea, Little Hoot, Cookies: Bite Size Life Lesson and The OK Book.

About the illustrater: Scott has also illustrated and been an author to these books: Spoon, Hugo and Miles I've Panted Everything! This picture book has very funny and good drawings, which are made with pen and water color paint.

About the story: Spoon always has been a happy little spoon, not cutting or spreading like a knife. He thinks Chopsticks, Fork, and Knife have had a better life than him but have they? And what do they think of Spoon?

My favorite part was in the last page when it says 'sweet dreams' and you see spoon sleeping and dreaming of icecream and different puddings!

Who would enjoy this book? 3-12.

I give this book 4 stars out of 5 stars.

By Ella

Warriors, By Erin Hunter

Warriors is written by Erin Hunter. The book is about wild cats that live in a forest. When a lone kittypet called Sasha is abandoned and decides to live in the forest, Sasha has to learn to care and hunt for herself.

It's an exciting adventure/action book with around 120 pages.  It's a Graphic Novel with computer drawings, black and white coloring.  My favorite part is when Sasha has to choose whether or not to join Shadow clan ( one of the six clans).  I like the style of writing because I could not put it down. It is recommended for ages 10 and up.
7/10 for drawing.
9/10 stars for the book.

By Alex

The Cloudchasers Part , By David Richardson

The Cloudchasers is written by David Richardson and beautifully illustrated by Steven Hunt. The main character is Alice, who lives in the bland world of Bankertown.  Alice, while out one night,  meets Spinner, a poor street boy who gives her a ticket to the fair. All this awfulness in Bankertown is because of the Banker, a horrible man. At the fair Spinner, Alice and her goody two shoes brother Thomas, set off in a hot air balloon to try and get imagination and happiness back to Bankertown. My favourite part is when they get a cloud map, to tell them where they are going. It could of been better by having more characters that stay in the story. This book would be good for about 11 year old children and up. 4 out of 5 stars. Available in the school library in 2011.
By Isaac

Dave, By Sue Hendra

Dave is a HUGE cat that eats lots of cat food.  Dave gets stuck in his cat flap that is way to small for him. There's rumor going around that he is stuck!

I loved the bold bright coloured pictures and liked how the backgrounds were textured.  My favourite part is how Dave got out himself out the cat flap, (hint they gave him beans).  My least favourite part is when Dave got scared and when he got stuck in the cat flap.  This is a picture book and children aged 2 - 12 years would enjoy it.  By Katelyn

Hodge the Hedgehog, by Amy Sparkes

Hodge the hedgehog is written by Amy Sparkes and illustrated by Benji Davies.  The story is about sharing and helping each other.  Hodge the Hedgehog hogs the big hedge (he's selfish).

My favourite part was when Hodge the Hedgehog started sharing.  I think children aged 5-8 years would enjoy reading this book.  It would be good for teachers to read to a younger group of children, to teach them about sharing.

This book could be better by having more talking between characters.

I give it 3 stars out of 5.  By Emily

What's in the Witch's Kitchen? By Nick Sharratt

This was one of the stories read to LT 1 during the Travelling Library Roadshow.  We now have it in our library - in the teacher's section.

'What's in the Witch's Kitchen?,' be prepared to be surprised!  Will you turn the flap left or right, up or down?

The illustrations are bright and colourful.  This book could be used to inspire children to come up with their own  A3 pictures, with flaps, of what else could be in the Witch's Kitchen.

Destination Book Fair 2010

We were able to choose about $780.00 of books from the book fair.  Below are most of the books selected.  They should be in our library soon.

Book Characters 2010

Congratulations to you all for your outstanding effort at dressing up as a book character.  Below are the winners:

Alice with the Mad Hatter's
Hagrid with Harry and Murtle
Wolverine, Dr Hook, Darth Vader and a Zoombie
Princesses, fairies and a Fairy Godmother
Horse Rider, Cat in the Hat, a dragon, an elephant and a mouse
The Dragon in the Wagon
X-Ray Man, Spongebob, and Pinocchio

Cliffords Jump Jammin' Time

Staff Book Characters

The Wicked Wedgie Woman, from the Captain Underpands series
The Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz
Little Red Riding Hood
The Witch from 'The Witch's Children and the Queen"
The Fairy God Mother
Little Miss Bossy
Fred Flinstone
Cat in the Hat

Who is Clifford?

Hi everybody I'm the under cover library reporter. I'm reporting on the outstanding incident of Clifford.  Yes, that's right, it is Clifford here at Freeville School. It was so amazing! Unfortunately he didn't like too many pictures, so we needed to be sneaky, and he had to go so early. But it was so cool having him there. I wonder if he will be back that crazy Clifford! Glen

Clifford's dance.

Destination Book Fair 2010

Poster By Emily and Katlin

Destination Book Fair 2010

10 DAYS TO GO!!!

Monday 16th August to Friday 20th August

Venue: Freeville School Library
Times open:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8.30 – 9 am and 3 – 3.30pm.

Wednesday 8.30 – 9 am and 1.30 – 2 pm
(school finishes at 1.30 pm due to staff First
Aid training)

* Efpos available

Book Fair activities:

Friday 20th August – Dress up as your
favourite Book Character.  Afternoon parade and
prizes awarded in the afternoon.

Book Review competition – write a book
review about a book you’ve been reading or
about your favourite book.  These will be posted
on the school library blog.  Entry forms
available in the library or from class teachers.

Book Quiz:
These will be available from the library during
book week.

Come and read a book to the class:
You are invited to come and read your favourite
book to your child’s class (see the
classroom teacher to arrange a time).
Staff will be doing a read around the classrooms.

If you have any questions please see
Elizabeth (Room 5).

Books won by Team Freeville for our Library

Read a Book for Māori Language Week

We have some new books in our library to celebrate Maori Language week - Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.

Kei te Pēhea Koe is a beautifully illustrated book.  Each emotion has an illustration drawn in different colours.  The illustration for 'Kei te pukuriri au I feel angry,' has tones of reddish pink.

This picture book also has a very user-friendly pronunciation guide at the back.  A great book to practise saying how you feel in te reo.

Anthony Browne

Room 5's first go at Speed Bookin'

This was so much fun to watch!  We had a variety of books, one dating back to 1975!  Funny books to children's books.  I think after about the third time Room 5 found it easier to sell their book to their classmates.  I look forward to our next Speed Bookin' experience.

Speed Booking

Today in class we tried out speed booking. It is like speed dating with one exception, you are using books! I brought Wimpy Kid the movie Diary. We had loads of fun.  What we did was the people with the books sat on the outside of the table and the people without books on the inside. We tried to convince them to read or buy the book. The best rating my book got was 5 elephants. That is the best you can get. By Isaac

Skulduggery Pleasant Books

Skulduggery Pleasant Dark Days

What a shock when I discovered there was a fourth book in this series.  I thought Derek Landy’s ‘Skulduggery Pleasant The Faceless Ones,’ was the last installment.  If you haven’t yet read book three I’ll try not to give too much away.  
Throughout the first third of the book Derek Landy interweaves the rescue of Skulduggery Pleasant while also introducing us to a group of villains calling themselves the ‘Revengers Club.‘  Most of these members we’ve met in previous Skulduggery books, like Dusk and Sanguine.  
These characters drive the action, some of the twists and turns and plot in book four.  Put into the mix is Scarab, who has escaped from prison and wants revenge for a crime he didn’t commit.  It’s no surprise the group have individual motives for seeking revenge upon young Valkyrie Cain.
A Soul Catcher goes missing from the Necromancer temple.  It’s as horrid as it sounds.  The idea of the remnant is simply ghastly, and then there’s the Midnight Museum Zombie fight!
Reading book four is like devouring a bowl of spaghetti at a hectic pace.  Although, each spaghetti strand you untangle leads you closer to the twists and turns that await!  I am eagerly awaiting book five.


We have some books on display for Matariki - the Māori New Year.

Celebrate Matariki at the marae. Tuesday 8th and 15th June, Thursday 10th and 17th June, 5.30 - 8 pm.

For more info click here.