Destination Book Fair 2010

We were able to choose about $780.00 of books from the book fair.  Below are most of the books selected.  They should be in our library soon.

Book Characters 2010

Congratulations to you all for your outstanding effort at dressing up as a book character.  Below are the winners:

Alice with the Mad Hatter's
Hagrid with Harry and Murtle
Wolverine, Dr Hook, Darth Vader and a Zoombie
Princesses, fairies and a Fairy Godmother
Horse Rider, Cat in the Hat, a dragon, an elephant and a mouse
The Dragon in the Wagon
X-Ray Man, Spongebob, and Pinocchio

Cliffords Jump Jammin' Time

Staff Book Characters

The Wicked Wedgie Woman, from the Captain Underpands series
The Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz
Little Red Riding Hood
The Witch from 'The Witch's Children and the Queen"
The Fairy God Mother
Little Miss Bossy
Fred Flinstone
Cat in the Hat

Who is Clifford?

Hi everybody I'm the under cover library reporter. I'm reporting on the outstanding incident of Clifford.  Yes, that's right, it is Clifford here at Freeville School. It was so amazing! Unfortunately he didn't like too many pictures, so we needed to be sneaky, and he had to go so early. But it was so cool having him there. I wonder if he will be back that crazy Clifford! Glen

Clifford's dance.

Destination Book Fair 2010

Poster By Emily and Katlin

Destination Book Fair 2010

10 DAYS TO GO!!!

Monday 16th August to Friday 20th August

Venue: Freeville School Library
Times open:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8.30 – 9 am and 3 – 3.30pm.

Wednesday 8.30 – 9 am and 1.30 – 2 pm
(school finishes at 1.30 pm due to staff First
Aid training)

* Efpos available

Book Fair activities:

Friday 20th August – Dress up as your
favourite Book Character.  Afternoon parade and
prizes awarded in the afternoon.

Book Review competition – write a book
review about a book you’ve been reading or
about your favourite book.  These will be posted
on the school library blog.  Entry forms
available in the library or from class teachers.

Book Quiz:
These will be available from the library during
book week.

Come and read a book to the class:
You are invited to come and read your favourite
book to your child’s class (see the
classroom teacher to arrange a time).
Staff will be doing a read around the classrooms.

If you have any questions please see
Elizabeth (Room 5).

Books won by Team Freeville for our Library